Project 6
Aberdeen Foyer: An Impact Journey

For over a year and moving forward Aberdeen Foyer have acted as an exemplary case study in gathering knowledge and understanding regarding measuring impact within social enterprises. Originally set up to support the multiple issues faced by young people aged 16-25 that can result in homelessness, they are now an award winning organisation with over 20 years of experience. Their services have grown and extended to encompass a wider age range with young people still being their primary focus. Aberdeen Foyer strive to transform the lives of their clients through support and opportunity for independent living, learning and work.

As a case study the researcher has been able to build relationships and become embedded within the organisation allowing for:

  • A full understanding of Aberdeen Foyer’s current impact measurement techniques and processes. How data is collected, recorded, analysed, reported and communicated to others.
  • Design thinking workshops to take place to understand current perceptions and work towards a more positive perception of data.
  • An understanding of the challenges faced by social enterprises when measuring impact.

This has created a well-informed base for moving forward where new tools, frameworks and processes will be introduced or designed and then trialled and tested with the aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Aberdeen Foyer’s health and wellbeing interventions. This in turn will enable social enterprises to report more comprehensively and meaningfully on their outcomes and impacts.

In addition, project 6 has been given the opportunity to further understand impact measurement within consortiums. With the support of 5 organisations operating throughout Aberdeen City and Shire we will be able to understand the challenges and successes of consortium projects and how they collaboratively measure impact. 


Project 6 Researcher: Melanie Liddell

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